Technology transfer office – a place for business and science to meet

The Technology transfer office is the most appropriate place where business and science must meet their ideas. A place where should be given trust in scientific work and its main role in society, institutions and business. The “Aero – space technology transfer office for crisis management and disaster resilience”, is a part and a co – founder of the Bulgarian Network for Technology Transfer. Our TTO is taking place in different events like conferences, symposiums, forums, work meetings etc. On the other side Technology transfer office is an initiator of events with essential contribution for the development of innovations and innovative perspectives in republic of Bulgaria.
Presenting the technology transfer in the country we are giving a clear view that science has always been and will always be a main factor in the production and innovations. Technology transfer is a modern perspective for development of innovations and their implementation in business and society.
The Aero – space technology transfer office for crisis management and disaster resilience is aiming to create long-term partnership between scientific and business organizations for achieving their common goals. The partnership between other technology transfer offices is giving the opportunity for organizing and participating in common initiatives. That’s why our office has always been the partner they always wanted.
Working both with institutions and scientific organizations the Technology transfer office has become a main engine of innovative ideas and development of perspectives for a better and modern society.