Седемнадесета международна конференция "Космос, Екология, Сигурност - SES 2021"
България е готова за пълноправно членство в Европейската космическа агенция
Information session
"International Space Cooperation for a Safe and Sustainable World"
България е готова за пълноправно членство в Европейската космическа агенция
"International Space Cooperation for a Safe and Sustainable World"
Technology transfer office RISK–SPACE-TRANSFER, is registered JV between two organisations of BAS
This site was created within project grantee BG161PO003-1.2.02-0016, “Strengthening and expanding the aerospace technology transfer office for crisis management and disaster resilience”, operational programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy 2007-2013” – financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.