

Submit your innovative idea thru the facing challenges that await you


ActInSpace® 2020 is a innovation competition, in which participate over 40 countries and over 70 cities. The competition was created at the initiative of the Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES) in 2014 and with the support of ESA (European Space Agency), ESA BIC network (Business Incubation Centers) and also Aerospace Valley. The winner team will have the opportunity to represent Bulgaria in the international final, which will be held in Toulouse in February 2021.
RST-TTO as a organizer of the event in Bulgaria is proud to support the awarding of innovative solutions, developments and ideas related to space, the business and society are faced by. 
ActInSpace offers to the participants a diverse range of topic-specific challenges to tackle global challenges, with the following specific thematics:

  • #Every Day Life Business: Get your business off the ground using space technologies;
  • #Space4.0: Become a NewSpace player and improve the space sector thanks to ‘earth technologies’;
  • #Space for Earth & Humanity: Find a way to make the Space Sector serve humanitarian causes.

The registration is free of charge and the formation of the team should be from 2 to 5 people. 
The organizers and sponsors of the AIS Bulgaria prepared individual prizes for the winners, also the AIS sponsors prepared prizes for the winner in the international final in Toulouse.
ActInSpace sponsors prizes:
First place goes to ActInSpace grand prize - Win your ticket for the weightlessness experience on the Airbus A310 Zero-G 
AIRBUS prize - Winners of the Airbus Entrepreneurship Prize receive €100,000 of satellite-derived data from the Airbus OneAtlas digital platform and flight training session on an A320 simulator and visit of satellite integration room and 3D facilities
SUEZ prize - Winners have a tour in SUEZ Research and Operations Center, and meet the experts to develop their revolutionary idea
Continental prize - Continental will help the winning team to make their project be known (social media) and will support the team in the project development (experts support and innovation structure). Also a tour in their Frankfurt site to discover autonomous vehicle (Cube vehicle, V2X simulator, autonomous driving user experience (IAA mock up), speed ring driving test) Or a tour in the North of Sweden to attend a winter test session on vehicle on the iced lake of Arvidsjaur
CLS/KNEIS prize - The winning Team will receive support over 3-6 months from its DataLab staff, used to support CLS internal innovation program. In addition, CLS & KINEIS will grant access to some historical datasets, and Kinéis will provide free access to its Space Priority Program that can be leveraged to start a POC (2 Kinéis modules, 6 months of connectivity and tech support, worth 7500€): depending on scope of the winning project.
EBAN Space prize - The winning team will have win a slot to present their project during the EBAN Annual Congress in Cork, Ireland 14-16 April, 2021. EBAN will offer a 2 days stay at the conference plus Mentoring by EBAN Space partners and presentation of your project on EBAN Space website
WEkEO prize - WEkEO will promote the wining team application on their website and social media
UBISOFT prize - Highlight your country and promote your project by winning the Audience Award

Students, entrepreneurs, scientists, designers, artists, come and join us for ActInSpace2020 Bulgaria!!! REGISTER HERE

For more detailed information click  HERE

Download brochure 




Technology transfer office RISK–SPACE-TRANSFER, is registered JV between two organisations of BAS



This site was created within project grantee BG161PO003-1.2.02-0016, “Strengthening and expanding the aerospace technology transfer office for crisis management and disaster resilience”, operational programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy 2007-2013” – financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.