News Releases

Copernicus & Galileo Masters Finals 2021

The Office for aero-space technology transfer “RISK-SPACE-TRANSFER” as Prize Partner for Bulgaria of the global competitions for innovative solutions in the field of Earth Observation and satellite navigation, Copernicus &Galileo Masters 2021, is glad to announce the winners of the Bulgarian Prize Partner awards.

Demosat won the Copernicus Prize Bulgaria with their innovative health-focused air quality monitoring platform, which provides integrated datasets from satellites, ground sensors, demographic and health-related data. Demosat webpage


The Galileo Masters Prize Bulgaria winning team - DronID, won with their idea for a new kind of drone-transponders for Air Traffic Management of drone operations, which beam information about the pilot-operator and the location of the drones by using GNSS data.


Both teams participated in the Copernicus and Galileo Masters 2021 Space Pitches and Awards, which took place on December 14th, 2021. During the event, the solutions of all local prize partner winners were presented and evaluated by leading specialists in the field of Earth Observation and Satellite navigation.

The overall winner of the 2021 edition of Copernicus Masters is the mobile application Orbiter, which aims to share images and data collected by the Copernicus Sentinel 2, 3 and 5p satellites with the general audience presenting recent information about the Earth.

The Galileo Masters 2021 overall prize is awarded to WAMO, a platform developed by e.Ray, a German company, for monitoring of water levels and quality. This self-sustaining solution provides flood alerts but is also able, by monitoring water quality, to detect the existence early and control pollution.

Copernicus & Galileo Master 2021 proved once again the significance of space technologies in our day-to-day life and showed the numerous application areas of Earth Observation and GNSS data.

The first edition of the Copernicus and Galileo Master Prize Partner Bulgaria attracted great interest among the Bulgarian industry and science proved that Bulgaria has the capacity to develop a competitive Space sector.


More information about the Space awards and Space Pitches 2021 

Copernicus Masters Galileo Masters




Technology transfer office RISK–SPACE-TRANSFER, is registered JV between two organisations of BAS



This site was created within project grantee BG161PO003-1.2.02-0016, “Strengthening and expanding the aerospace technology transfer office for crisis management and disaster resilience”, operational programme “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy 2007-2013” – financed by the European Fund for Regional Development.